What to do to prepare for the taxes
Our best advice is to keep all your documents properly stored so that when you are filling your taxes your accountant has all the accurate and concise information you need to complete a tax report. This will guarantee that the IRS is not left with a penny yours and that you do not owe the IRS a dime. If you are employed please do not dispose of your pay stubs or pay stubs and W2 forms for 1 year. Do not forget to file the 1098 to deduct the interest paid if you own a home. If self-employed file 1099 and keep record of your income and expenses or provide bank statements to your accountant. If you attend college try filling for the 1098T to claim credit for postsecondary education, save all receipts for expenses you have so that you can deduct. Bring your social security card for all members to avoid refund dilatation of discrepancy in the names.
We make this warning because there are individuals with the aim of attracting masses with promises of large returns, while charging you large sums of money. This may seem very attractive, but you have to keep in mind that the person who prepares the taxes is not liable to the IRS. The one responsible is the person whose social security number appears on the tax forms. Also please be clear that taxes do not determine if someone can get more money than others. Be careful that you are not a victim of accountants filling illegally that can be determined that it is a fraud, becoming a federal case. For example an accountant who was getting extra credit to all its customers but was a credit that belonged only to those who are in college. Look carefully and indagen on the integrity of whoever is going to do the taxes.